This is where I keep my writing!

Albums A-Z #4-6

This entry features three of my very favorite albums just by chance, two of which are by the same artist! So uh, I assume we'll be hitting dryer spells at some point. I have a lot of music.

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Albums A-Z #1-3

I had this thought the other day that I haven't listened to most of my music library for a long time, and have stuck with the same 25 or so albums for a while. So I decided to listen to my ~8,000 songs in alphabetical order by album name and do a short writeup on each. Mostly because I think it's a silly idea!! So here are the first three:

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We Love Katamari REROLL + Royal Reverie

If you know me, you know I love Katamari Damacy. So it's no surprise that I bought the remake of the sequel, We Love Katamari, the day it came out. I did this knowing full well that I like it significantly less than the original because second best is still pretty good. 

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The Sinking City

My wife and I finished playing The Sinking City on switch a couple of weeks ago, and I have some thoughts. We 100%'d it (as much as possible - I'll explain later what that means), so I'll be going into some detail here!

Warning: Some spoilers ahead! Spoiler averse people should just skip to the end for a microsummary

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Game Journal Feb 26 2023

I've fallen off DQ Treasures and Gotta Protectors for now. I have played a bunch of weird things in the intervening month though, so let's hit a few high notes: (screenshot stolen from random steam user) This game looks like shit, sounds like shit, and…

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