This is where I keep my writing!

Like New 2: Call of Juarez Gunslinger (2013)

I said I was going to play Hell Yeah but it turns out that doesn't work on Steam Deck and I was out of town. So instead I started Call of Juarez: Gunslinger and y'know what? This game rocks.

Let's try a new thing:

How long I played5.5 hours
How far I gotBeat the damn thing
Bottom Line ReviewWhat if shooting guys...was fun?


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Like New 1: RAGE (2011)

Welcome to my new series, Like New. I've chosen 52 games in my Steam library that I have never played, and I plan to play one a week for the entire year.  The goal is to get at least one hour in each game, although some will get more. I'm also playing them in release order, so the oldest games will be first. I don't plan to finish any of them unless they're eminently finishable, but who knows! Maybe I'll get really attached to a game and feel incomplete unless I see credits roll.

This week's game is RAGE, the id Software post-apocalyptic first person shooter from 2011.

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Cania's Game Awards

2024 is almost at a close, which is exactly how every "Game of the Year" article starts. But this is not just any end of the year list. This is my end of the year list, which means it's inherently better. As we all know, my opinions are fundamentally correct and completely undeniable.

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How to use Publii to make a blog on Neocities without writing HTML

I love posting and blogging. I hate writing HTML. It's just one more layer of overhead that makes the process of writing even harder to get started on. 

But, when running a site on Neocities, you're usually stuck with HTML. This is because you can't run something like Wordpress on Neocities due to the lack of PHP support - which is intentional and good and welcome. 

However, for someone like me (who was raised by Xanga, then, then Blogger), having to copy and paste a bunch of HTML for every new entry is...just not going to work. It just makes it so I never want to maintain the site.

As someone who values Neocities but hates HTML, what I need is some sort of static site generator (i.e. HTML and Javascript only) that has a WYSIWYG (What You See is What You Get) interface. There are a few of these for generating portfolios and the like, but the only one I was able to find specifically for blogging is Publii. And guess what? It rocks. It's what powers this blog!

The interface is great - minimal but functional. It supports drag-and-drop image uploads, which is important to me. And, it's free forever - they make their money by selling themes, which we're not going to buy. Well, unless you want to. 

Below is a basic guide to getting Publii up and running on Neocities.

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Luther: The Fallen Sun is one of the most weirdly regressive movies I've seen in a long time

I love murder mysteries an inordinate amount. Almost all of them are some form of copaganda, but I simply cannot help myself. I love a puzzle box, and I love to watch someone pick it apart in a satisfying way. And I of course love to see someone get their comeuppance.

But I'm aware that they are, ahem, problematic at the best of times. I knew this going into Luther: The Fallen Sun, though I have never watched even a second of the TV show this is based on. But it surprised me with exactly how regressive it is in one specific way.

Hella spoilers below.

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